Saturday, October 26, 2013

Ch. 16 Advertising, Public Relations, and Sales Promotion

Advertisements surround our daily routines, as consumers we are unaware of every product sold to us because Ad placements are blended strategically in our visual and audio environment. In order for a company to successfully promote a product, the advertising appeals have to be identified and marketed exactly how the consumer wants and needs the product to be. This type of advertisement is called Product Advertising, this also includes Pioneering Advertisement, Competitive Advertisement,  and Comparative Advertisement.

  • Martha Stewart's advertising team has to incorporate Pioneering Advertisements to promote new products. New cookware sets and bed linings with an increase in threading will be the highlighted features in Pioneering Advertisements. Consumer are interested in making good decisions especially with new product lines. They need to be able to differentiate between competitive brands.
  • Competitive Advertisements are used to highlight and promote branding. Martha Stewart is a household brand in constant need of continuous branding to ensure the company's longevity. Brand recognition will resonate with the consumers and their primary groups. This form of advertising will assist in building a loyal consumer relationship. Another benefit for consumers are contest and sweepstakes, Martha Stewart promotes entrepreneurship with her Made in America contest and by having sweepstakes contests.
  • Comparative Advertising allows the brand Martha Stewart to promote their products over the competing name brands such as Jaclyn Smith's line of home decor and Target's Threshold Brand. Martha Stewart's clean lined patterns and bold contrasting colors are innovated selections used to enticed the consumer into thinking about decor in a new way. 

Creative Decisions in Advertising  for a advertising product campaign consists of a common theme, slogan, and set of advertising appeals assist with generating a product that consumers will recognize.  "Sharing the good things everyday" is one of Martha Stewart's slogans, this slogan describes the products Martha Stewart creates such as bake ware sets for cupcakes and cakes, and beautiful glass display jars to showcase the baked goods and treats for family and friends. The picture below illustrates the creative beauty for a holiday display. This advertisement can be delivered around the hoildays to like Christmas time creating an advertising appeal and product placement. 

A advertisement has to run on a Media Schedule, just as I mentioned above product placement is key when promoting a product. The Media Mix should include several platforms of advertisements. Some of the platforms consists of Internet Ads, Television Commercials, and Direct Marketing like the Home Shopping Network. A Star product should continue to receive advertisement publicity in order to continue to generate a large profit for the company.

Martha Stewart is a successful house hold name due to a combination of intelligent marketing, creative strategic advertisement, and naturally home good products.  

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