Saturday, October 26, 2013

Ch. 16 Advertising, Public Relations, and Sales Promotion

Advertisements surround our daily routines, as consumers we are unaware of every product sold to us because Ad placements are blended strategically in our visual and audio environment. In order for a company to successfully promote a product, the advertising appeals have to be identified and marketed exactly how the consumer wants and needs the product to be. This type of advertisement is called Product Advertising, this also includes Pioneering Advertisement, Competitive Advertisement,  and Comparative Advertisement.

  • Martha Stewart's advertising team has to incorporate Pioneering Advertisements to promote new products. New cookware sets and bed linings with an increase in threading will be the highlighted features in Pioneering Advertisements. Consumer are interested in making good decisions especially with new product lines. They need to be able to differentiate between competitive brands.
  • Competitive Advertisements are used to highlight and promote branding. Martha Stewart is a household brand in constant need of continuous branding to ensure the company's longevity. Brand recognition will resonate with the consumers and their primary groups. This form of advertising will assist in building a loyal consumer relationship. Another benefit for consumers are contest and sweepstakes, Martha Stewart promotes entrepreneurship with her Made in America contest and by having sweepstakes contests.
  • Comparative Advertising allows the brand Martha Stewart to promote their products over the competing name brands such as Jaclyn Smith's line of home decor and Target's Threshold Brand. Martha Stewart's clean lined patterns and bold contrasting colors are innovated selections used to enticed the consumer into thinking about decor in a new way. 

Creative Decisions in Advertising  for a advertising product campaign consists of a common theme, slogan, and set of advertising appeals assist with generating a product that consumers will recognize.  "Sharing the good things everyday" is one of Martha Stewart's slogans, this slogan describes the products Martha Stewart creates such as bake ware sets for cupcakes and cakes, and beautiful glass display jars to showcase the baked goods and treats for family and friends. The picture below illustrates the creative beauty for a holiday display. This advertisement can be delivered around the hoildays to like Christmas time creating an advertising appeal and product placement. 

A advertisement has to run on a Media Schedule, just as I mentioned above product placement is key when promoting a product. The Media Mix should include several platforms of advertisements. Some of the platforms consists of Internet Ads, Television Commercials, and Direct Marketing like the Home Shopping Network. A Star product should continue to receive advertisement publicity in order to continue to generate a large profit for the company.

Martha Stewart is a successful house hold name due to a combination of intelligent marketing, creative strategic advertisement, and naturally home good products.  

Monday, October 21, 2013

Ch. 14 - Marketing Channels and Retailing

Martha Stewart has developed contracts with many major Chain Stores such as Home Depot, Michaels, Kmart, JC Penny, Macys in order to expand and cater to consumers in different demographics. This marketing process is also know as a Intensive Distribution aim at maximum market coverage. Lines of Home Decor, Cookware & Utensils, Crafting Decor & Supplies has allowed her to market her products in stores with a large customer following. By carefully choosing the 6 P's (The 4 P's in a Marketing Mix Product, Place, Promotion, Price & Presentation, Personnel) Martha Stewart Products will attract different customer in each Retail store.

My recent trip to Michael's Crafting Store in Forest Hills helped me to understand the importance of marketing in a Retail Chain Store.   Defining a Target Market in Michael's should be based on Creative Crafting, this group of consumers are interested in creating, decorating, and designing. The consumer is self sufficient and requires some instruction, materials, and tools to explore their creative talents. This consumers also wants to be able to create, decorate, and design for all occasions from Weddings, Birthdays, and Holidays.

Silk Screening Window Shades

Martha Stewart also has an How-to Silk Screening video available on her website. Please click on the link below to watch the video.
Michaels supplies all of the Martha Stewart tools
you will need in order to successfully craft and silk screen. 

The Merchandise Type and Density displayed in The Martha Stewart aisle in Michaels allows the consumer to quickly survey the materials and tools they will need in order to successfully create their project. If the consumer is unable to understand or find a particular product or tool The  Michaels sales associate is well trained in crafting since the majority of their items are crafting related. The Personnel is essential should be an informative product asset in order to have a productive business. The Level of Service provided in a retail store such as Michaels allows the consumer to feel comfortable and have a familiar shopping experience in the future. Michaels also rewards their consumers every week with an instore coupon worth 40% off any one regular price item, which save the consumer money. This coupon is can be used in addition to their many other coupons available only for that week. 

Martha Stewart Company has many different forms of production, she has Global Channels in China where she manufactures some of her products. Many of her products are also manufactured  in the United States where she continues to influence entrepreneurs to promote Made in America items.

Friday, October 11, 2013

CH. 6 Consumer Decision Making


What makes a consumer purchase a product? Is it Age, Culture, Beliefs, Values, Sex, or all of the above? Consumers are driven by events, holidays, birthdays, and many other special moments in their lives to buy a a certain type of merchandise. Some products such as Tilex, Tide, and Herbal Essence are purchased out of necessity, in order to stay clean you must wash your clothes (Tide) and wash your hair (Herbal Essence). These are all considered The Needs and or Wants of the consumer.  The Need Recognition   is a result of an imbalance between actual and desired states as per MKTG Text Book Student addition 7,  for instance a consumer enters a Target Department Store and comes across a new beautiful Vera Wang Sweater on sale, the initial Motivation would be Fashion or Trend, the need would be to stay warm in cold weather. How do marketers convince the consumer to buy a sweater if their need is  to buy cooking utensils?

Martha Stewart China Collection

The marketer has to consider many aspects of the consumers demographics. In many cases certain Social Class Standards can mean the difference between how much need vs. wants a consumer can purchase. Upper Class consumers are usually well to do people with a family income well above the national average. This class ordinarily has the advantage to purchase their needs and wants without much concern about cost and how much they spend. However, the majority of this class is educated and will be extremely Involved in the buying experience. They are also consumers that tend to buy their products in higher end stores like Bloomingdale's, Whole Foods, Sax Fifth Avenue. There are specific type of cars this consumer purchases that have a more expensive maintenance cost than other vehicles like BMW, Mercedes, and Jaguar. The Socialization Process plays an important role for this class of consumers more than the other classes.
Martha Stewart's is regarded as an inexpensive product with a look of modern luxury. Her bedding sets are 1000 count threads with embroidered designs. Martha Stewart has a  line of beautiful china that exudes elegance and class.

Martha Stewart Jacquard Bedding Collection

Middle Class consumers ordinarily do not have the same luxuries as the upper class, although they can afford to shop in the more expensive stores at times, they're more likely to shop in stores that have products more reasonably priced such as Target, Kohl's, Shop Rite. This class would be more inclined to try knew products that can compare to an older product but at a lower price like Targets  Archer Farms food line. This name brand of foods offers granola bars, cereal, frozen vegetables among so many other foods that are many consumers favorites at a lower cost. It's a direct competition for popular name brands such as Quaker, Green Giant, and Betty Crocker.   This class would also be more inclined to purchase a vehicle that has less expensive maintenance cost and more gas efficient systems like Nissan, Ford, and Chevy. Martha Stewart has a product line in many popular department stores like JCPenny, Macy's, and Home Depot, Middle Class workers tend to shop in these stores for the quality of the product and the convenience of having them in their neighborhood malls.

Lower Class consumers are usually low paid workers or people who are dependent on government programs for financial stability. More than likely this consumer is only given a small amount of benefits for food and would need to purchase food and clothing in a store that can accept the government benefits. This class does not have the room to afford luxury items and would ordinarily buy out of Routine Response Behavior.  Supermarkets that usually accepts government benefits or are inexpensive are Western Beef, Conway's, and V.I.M.

Cultures and Values  often play a big role with consumers and their products. Foods that are primarily used in certain cultures will almost always sell in neighborhood where that culture predominately lives. Marketers will survey the demographics of a particular neighborhood in order to advertise and market their products. Packaging and ingredients are a must in some cultures, because they might represent their countries flag or foods. To some this will mean authenticity, original and nostalgia. Family is almost always the driving force in theses cases, and will influence the buyers choice when choosing a product.

 Martha Stewart products promote happy homes. Her recipes are filled and decorated like it's Thanksgiving everyday of the year. This important quality is for everyone.


Monday, October 7, 2013

Ch. 5 - Developing a Global Vision

                            We're Read Internationally!


Developing A Global Vision  can impact a companies expansion and financial gain in an instance. Many companies view domestic markets as their Cash Cows in terms of stable target markets and familiar distribution & pricing settings. Although domestic markets can experience significant marketing changes, like trends and component lifestyles, many demographic factors stay the same such as language, cultures, and distribution settings. A countries domestic market is their comfort zone, laws, taxes, and other governmental business components are easily understood. Should a company like Martha Stewart Living   continue to remain a domestic brand name product, or should they take a risk and expand globally to places like The United Kingdom, China, Greece, and Latin America.

Establishing a Global Market has allowed many countries to increase their profits and develop new target markets around the world. According to MKTG Marketing Text Book Student Edition 7  "World Trade climbed $200 Billion in a year to over $ 12.5 Trillion a year in 2009".   McDonalds, Frito Lays, and Coca Cola are all American companies that have experienced financial success worldwide by adapting a Global Marketing Standardization. This allows a company like McDonalds to create their signature foods like French Fries, Hamburgers, and Wraps in other countries because the idea is that customers in markets around the world want to experience eating the same foods they serve in the Untied States. Knowing a countries demographics and laws allows the foreign company to market their products successfully by respecting their lifestyle components . For instance Mcdonalds serves a sandwich called Chicken Maharaja  in India that is marketed like a Big Mac burger, but it does not contain beef because one of the main religions in India is Hindu, and in this religion they worship the Cow. This strategic concept is called Product Adaptation.  The foreign company should adapt to the new environment in order to market their product to that target audience.

Many other aspects of Global Marketing are important to consider when introducing a new product to a foreign country such as Economic Development, Political Structures and Actions. Marketers have to largely consider the economy and the target audiences financial income. Does this country have a sophisticated  societal system, or is it an under developed system? Does this country allow it's citizens a great deal of independence, or is Non-Democratic government. Legal considerations  are can vary depending on the governmental structure existing in a particular country. If your product or service is considered offensive to the people in the new potential country, you can lose credibility and ultimately lose the target market.

Martha Stewart Living Magazine  is now available in countries like Thailand, Indonesia, and Germany among many other countries. Her famous domestic products are advertised and displayed throughout the magazines and her readers are now interested in obtaining her linen, cooking utensils, and cookware. By distributing her magazines in various global countries, Martha Stewart is creating a demand for her products, therefore already attracting a new large target audience. The Marketing director can begin to calculate the highest demand and create a global marketing plan catering to the specific needs and wants that the country has. The products that can be offered are used throughout the world, bed linens, cookware, and home decor is a popular staple in many countries around the world. Martha Stewart can become a leading Direct Investor with an active ownership in a new foreign market. Because Martha Stewart has a large social media following, the company can benefit from the comments and interests written on her blogs.
Thus gaining a bigger insight on her domestic market, but also on her potential new foreign markets.